
Showing posts from April, 2022

Sources for the Lynchings of 1871

 One of my sources for this essay is a link from NBC news.     I believe this article is a reliable source because NBC is an official news outlet that is nationally recognized. The article also cites important and knowledgeable figures on the topic, such as Karen Umemoto, the director of the Asian American studies center at UCLA, and a college professor who is also producer of a podcast on the subject.      I would definetly recommend this article to my classmates because it not only gives a good summary of the events that occured/brief history of what happened, it also cites quotes from notable figures. Works Cited:      “L.A. Groups Commemorate 1871 Massacre That Killed 10% of City's Chinese Community.” , NBCUniversal News Group, 23 Oct. 2021,

Asian American Racism— An Erased History

      The topic I’m choosing to write about for the fourth Writ essay is the Los Angeles Chinese Massacre of 1871. The problem with Chinese American racism, or with Asian American racism in general is less of a “twisted history” or “misrepresented history” issue, but more so that it’s not acknowledged or taught as much as it should be, resulting in Asian American racism today not being addressed seriously. Based on my personal experience, and many of my Asian-American peers’, Asian American racism is easily dismissed “as a joke,” and a suspecting cause of this phenomenon is that the history of Asian American discrimination isn’t acknowledged as much as it should in schools, and in society in general.      The Los Angeles Chinese Massacre of 1871 started off when a shootout in Chinatown started, and a white police officer was killed. Groups of white men soon gathered and destroyed 1.5 million dollars of property owned by Chinese-Americans in China town, murd...